Sisyphus' Wife (2016)
Inspired by the 19th century Rückert poems about ‘Weltschmerz’ and ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ by Albert Camus.
T a n z t h e a t e r Adrian Look has collaborated with Light Designer
Alex Fernandes and costume designer Christophe Scaglione for this production.
Adrian Look’s Sisyphus’ Wife is flushed with symbolism and emotion. With the mien of a romantic poet, Look mopes at his desk, rolling a shiny steel ball –the impossible object of unattainable perfection – up a ramp; and watching it roll back down. Maria Ines Sousa, as his wife, has her own object: a brown lump, misshapen, imperfect. She lets it stay put, on a stand. Their duet of crossed paths sees Look reaching and swooning, as restless as the Mahler melody that accompanies him; Sousa clings to and rebuts him, all earthly need and conflicted desire. Fine performances save the piece from becoming overblown.
Sanjoy Roy
Tanztheater Adrian Look “made over a myth to make it so modern and believable that many of us could relate to the characters (ouch!).”
Erin Brown, Dance UK
“Adrian Look’s Sisyphus’ Wife is flushed with symbolism and emotion.”
Sanjoy Roy, The Guardian
“Their dance is lyrical, gestural and in flow with the musical accompaniment. Actions shared cascade in a dynamic interchange of sweeping transitions across space, springing lifts and curving gestures with arms and torsos…Yet, the sense of pervading despond lingers. The isolation experienced and expressed by both characters sustains.”
Timothy Taylor, Head of Dance, Morley College
“With the movement very well intergrated with the feel and emotion of the music I was immediately drawn in…Good to see the traditions, love and respect of German Tanz well developed to the next generation.”
Brian Bertscher, former Royal Ballet soloist and ballet tutor at Folkwang University
“Beautifully crafted and thought through.”
Audience Member
“Beautiful and emotional dance of two souls…one forgets how much emotion is in the body.”
Audience Member

Alex -
Light Design

Christophe -